Field Demonstration

     Field Demo is an event that usually happens in September wherein the students get to dance depending on the theme. It is very fun, exciting, lively and also very colorful  to look at. Not only the students get to dance but also the teachers and sometimes the staff members too. 

    This year our theme was about different festivals, ours was the festival from Barili called Kaumahan Festival. This festival is about farmers and their crops. The Kaumahan Festival is a celebration of the rich agricultural produce of the municipality of Barili in Cebu, where the farmers who till the rich soil and harvest it with food for the table gather on July 26th to offer their thanks for an abundant harvest.  This also showcases Barili as a top agricultural destination of the province and a food basket where people could buy high quality agricultural produce at not so much cost.  Tourists also gather around town not just to partake of the festivities, but also to harness the vacation spots that the town has to offer, among others its beaches and diving destinations. 

    It was very hard practicing the dance because unlike last year we were grouped by 2 levels. But we practiced enough to make our dance look lively. It was very fun to perform even though it was really hot that time. We did our best to perform the dance and i can't wait to dance again next Field demo.


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